Oct 29, 2011

Contd ....8 Pushup Style

3.Knee-to-Opposite-Elbow Pushup

The benefit: It uses rotation to work your abdominal muscles, hip's, and back in addition to targeting your chest and triceps.

How to do it: Assume a pushup position, but form fists with your hands so your knuckles are flat against the floor. Bring your right knee to your left elbow, and pause before returning your leg to the starting position. Now lower your body as you would for a standard pushup. Push back to the starting position and repeat, this time bringing your left knee to your right elbow

4. Corkscrew Pushup

The benefit: It works your quads, calves, in addition to all the upper-body muscles activated when you do a standard pushup.

How to do it: Assume a pushup position, but walk your feet toward your hands until your knees are bent at a 90-degree angle, with your hips slightly higher than your head. Lower your left side close to the floor by rotating your body and bending your elbows. Pause, and then rise slightly and rotate your right side to the floor. Pause again, and push back up to the starting position.

Oct 26, 2011

8 Pushup Style

1. Standard Pushup

The benefit: The standard pushup works your chest, shoulders and triceps.

How to do it: Kneel down on all fours and place your hands slightly beyond shoulder-width apart. Set your feet together and straighten your arms and legs. Your body should form a straight line from ankles to head. Keeping your elbows pulled in toward your sides, lower your chest to an inch above the floor, and press back up. 

2. Leg-Kick Pushup

The benefit: By forcing you to hold a position, it activates more muscle in your chest and shoulders than a standard pushup does. It also helps developing strength in your hip flexors, glutes, and hamstrings.

How to do it: Assume a pushup position, and then lower your body until your chest nearly touches the floor. Kick your right leg out to the side as close to a 90-degree angle as possible without bending your knee. Pause, and move your leg back to the starting position. Push your body back up, and repeat with your left leg.