Jul 25, 2010

Just One Machine for Back

Machine Name :- Cable Crossover
These exercise movement contact of pulling an stretching .
The exercise must be done with full concentration on the back muscles .
Before starting these workout do a bit for back stretching to make the muscles free .

Note :- There are some Photograph's for your help taken from other website.

 Rest time :- 45sec between each set .
 Set's :- 3 to 4 .
 Repetitions :- 10 - 12 reps.

Punch and Pull
Punch and Pull

 Rest time :- 30sec between each set .
 Set's :- 3 .
 Repetitions :- 10 - 12 reps.

Split Squat and Press

Split Squat and Press 
 Rest time :- 30sec between each set .
 Set's :- 3 .
 Repetitions :- 10 - 12 reps.


Squat and Row

Squat and Row
 Rest time :- 45sec between each set .
 Set's :- 3 to 4 .
 Repetitions :- 10 - 12 reps.

Jul 19, 2010

Pump-up your Biceps in Minutes

Close-Grip Chin-up
Close-Grip Chin-up-endClose-Grip Chin-up
Grab a chinup bar with an revised grip,  keep your hands about 6 inches apart from each other . Hang on the bar with out any support arms should straight. Pull yourself upwards till the bar is under your chin. Then slowly go to its starting position.
Repetitions :- 10 - 12 reps 
Dumbbell Biceps Curl
Dumbbell Biceps Curl
Hold Dumbbells in each hand , use a normal grip palms facing upwards. Keep the hand hanging at arm level next to your ribs. Curl the weights up toward your shoulders ,Without any movement your upper arms, then slowly to the starting position .
Repetitions :- 10 - 12 reps
Dumbbell Incline Offset-Grip Curl
Dumbbell Incline Offset-Grip Curl
Incline bench should be at 60-degree, grab a dumbbell in each hand . Lie down on the bench with the dumbbells at arm's level, palms facing each other. As you curl the weights, rotate your wrists so your palms face you at the top of the move. Reverse to the starting position.
Repetitions :- 10 - 12 reps

Towel Inverted Row
Towel Inverted Row 
Smith machine or squat rack will be best for this exercise.Lie under which ever suitable, with your legs straight and the bar should few inches higher than arm's level. Hang two small towels over the bar, spaced shoulder-width. Grab each towel . Keeping your body straight, pull yourself toward the bar. Pause, then slowly lower yourself to the starting position .
Repetitions :- 8 - 10 reps

Single-Arm Cross Curl
Single-Arm Cross Curl
Stand between the weight stacks of a cable crossover station and grab a high-pulley handle in each hand, with your palms up. But keep your elbows a bit bent. Without moving your left arm, curl your right hand toward your head. Flex your biceps. Then slowly allow your arm to straighten. Repeat the move with your other arm.
Repetitions :- 8 - 10 reps on each arm .

Jul 14, 2010

Ab Exercises of All-Time

Name of the Exercise :- Long-Arm Weighted Crunch

This exercise targets your upper abs. Use light weight dumbbell in each hand and open your arms straight back above the head . Now crunch toward upward, keeping your shoulders still and your arms straight. Don't swing with your arms.
Repetitions :- 12 - 15 reps


Name of the Exercise :- Seated Ab Crunch

Sit on a bench. Hold the edge of the pad and lean back , your legs should be down and away and keeping your heels 4 to 6 inches off the floor. Bend your knees and slowly raise your legs toward your chest. Simultaneously lean forward with your upper body.
Repetitions :- 12 - 15 reps


Name of the Exercise :- Knee Cable crunch

Kneel facing the pulley or facing your back and hold the rope attached to the high cable .Pull the pulley and keep it along the sides of your face. Bend forward, return to the starting position, then repeat the movement, this time move your chest onto your left knee and then right . That's one repetition. Perform three sets of eight repetitions.
Sets :- 3, Repetitions :- 8 reps


Name of the Exercise :- Corkscrew

This targets both the lower abs and the obliques. La down on your back, with your legs straight upwards. Your knees should be a bent. Place your hands on the floor . Use your lower abs to raise your hips off the floor and toward your chest, elevating your feet straight up.
Repetitions :- 10 - 12 reps

Name of the Exercise :- Crunch/Side-Bend Combo

This exercise targets both the upper abs and the obliques. La down on your back with your knees bent, feet on the floor, and hands behind your ears or hand beside also. keep your shoulder above the floor. Bend left to right , aiming your armpit toward your hip. Straighten,come back to the starting position and then move other-side and repeat.
Sets :- 3 and Repetitions :- 8 reps on each side .

Jul 13, 2010

15-Minute Workout

3 Exercise .10 reps of each exercise . Exercise15 minutes.
Rest briefly when you need to, and stop the workout when the time is up .
As your body improves, high amt of  reps or less the amount of rest.

Body-Weight Squat

 Judo Pushup


Sprinter Situp

Jul 9, 2010

Dexter Jackson Routine

Monday : Quads

Tuesday : Chest and Calves

Wednesday : Back

Thursday : Shoulder and Hamstring

Friday : Arms and Calves

Three things to remember for the best result :
  • Take proper rest
  • Listen to your body
  • Train smart