Jul 14, 2010

Ab Exercises of All-Time

Name of the Exercise :- Long-Arm Weighted Crunch

This exercise targets your upper abs. Use light weight dumbbell in each hand and open your arms straight back above the head . Now crunch toward upward, keeping your shoulders still and your arms straight. Don't swing with your arms.
Repetitions :- 12 - 15 reps


Name of the Exercise :- Seated Ab Crunch

Sit on a bench. Hold the edge of the pad and lean back , your legs should be down and away and keeping your heels 4 to 6 inches off the floor. Bend your knees and slowly raise your legs toward your chest. Simultaneously lean forward with your upper body.
Repetitions :- 12 - 15 reps


Name of the Exercise :- Knee Cable crunch

Kneel facing the pulley or facing your back and hold the rope attached to the high cable .Pull the pulley and keep it along the sides of your face. Bend forward, return to the starting position, then repeat the movement, this time move your chest onto your left knee and then right . That's one repetition. Perform three sets of eight repetitions.
Sets :- 3, Repetitions :- 8 reps


Name of the Exercise :- Corkscrew

This targets both the lower abs and the obliques. La down on your back, with your legs straight upwards. Your knees should be a bent. Place your hands on the floor . Use your lower abs to raise your hips off the floor and toward your chest, elevating your feet straight up.
Repetitions :- 10 - 12 reps

Name of the Exercise :- Crunch/Side-Bend Combo

This exercise targets both the upper abs and the obliques. La down on your back with your knees bent, feet on the floor, and hands behind your ears or hand beside also. keep your shoulder above the floor. Bend left to right , aiming your armpit toward your hip. Straighten,come back to the starting position and then move other-side and repeat.
Sets :- 3 and Repetitions :- 8 reps on each side .

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